Vaccine requirements
All dogs are to have current vaccinations for Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis (not mandatory for puppies, and breeds known to have reactions)Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. Bordetella vaccination is recommended, but not required. Veterinarian protocol for vaccinations will be followed (every 3 years or titers are acceptable). It is recommended that puppies have at least 2 sets of vaccines before attending class. Rabies to be given by 6 months of age.
All vaccines should be given at a minimum of 48 hours before attending class
Veterinarian name:__________________________________________________________
Veterinarian number:_________________________________________________________
I understand the vaccine guidelines, I also understand that vaccines are not a guarantee that my dog will not get any illnesses.
Dog’s name:________________________________
Date of last DHLPPC:____________________________
Date of Rabies:________________________________
Owner’s name:_________________________________
Owner’s signature:_______________________________
All dogs are to have current vaccinations for Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis (not mandatory for puppies, and breeds known to have reactions)Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. Bordetella vaccination is recommended, but not required. Veterinarian protocol for vaccinations will be followed (every 3 years or titers are acceptable). It is recommended that puppies have at least 2 sets of vaccines before attending class. Rabies to be given by 6 months of age.
All vaccines should be given at a minimum of 48 hours before attending class
Veterinarian name:__________________________________________________________
Veterinarian number:_________________________________________________________
I understand the vaccine guidelines, I also understand that vaccines are not a guarantee that my dog will not get any illnesses.
Dog’s name:________________________________
Date of last DHLPPC:____________________________
Date of Rabies:________________________________
Owner’s name:_________________________________
Owner’s signature:_______________________________